The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that MVP Registration is now open through November 30, 2023. In our recent blog posts and webinars, we’ve discussed what MVPs are as well as some basics on how to participate in this latest reporting option. Now, using the following resources and guidelines, you’ll be able to register for an MVP for PY23.
Note: If you wish to report the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) for MIPS Survey as a measure in your selected MVP, you’ll need to complete your CAHPS for MIPS Survey registration by June 30, 2023.
Before You Register
Before you officially register for an MVP, CMS requires you to have the following items identified:
- The MVP you plan to report (see available MVPs here).
- Whether you plan to administer the CAHPS for MIPS Survey, if it’s a quality measure option in your selected MVP.
- Whether you want to be evaluated on an outcomes-based administrative claims quality measure, if it’s a quality measure option in your selected MVP.
- The population health measure you would like to be evaluated on:
- The participation option you plan to use: group, subgroup, individual, or APM Entity.
Learn more about MVP participation options.
How To Register
Individual, group, and subgroup MVP registrations must be submitted by a representative of the practice with the QPP Security Official role. APM Entity MVP registrations must be submitted by a representative of the APM Entity with the QPP Security Official role. Please refer to the QPP Access User Guide for information about obtaining a Security Official role for your organization.
Once you have your Security Official, you’ll need to complete a form providing all information required for your MVP and subgroup registration (if applicable). The 2023 MVP Registration Form can be found in the 2023 MVP Registration Form and Fact Sheet.
Once you complete this form, you will email your completed registration form to the email address with the subject line “MVP Registration”. CMS will dedicate a ticket and a team of professionals to help you finish the registration.
You will be able to make changes to your MVP registration throughout the entire registration window. This includes changes to the MVP selection or subgroup registration. For a more comprehensive and detailed explanation on how to register for MVPs, please take a look at the following video from CMS:
2023 MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) Registration Demo
Keep in mind that you can still report through traditional MIPS or the APP even if you have registered and selected an MVP for reporting. However, you will not be able to report on an MVP that you did not register for in advance of the data submission window.
For even more general information regarding MVPs, view our latest webinar here.