The deadline for submitting your 2022 MIPS data is just weeks away, and HCIS is here to help! If you submit your data to our registry by March 15th, we can correct any potential errors in time for the official CMS deadline. The following checklist will help ensure that everything is ready for submission:
Keep track of your:
- TIN – Taxpayer Identification Number
- Used by the Internal Revenue Service to identify an entity, such as a group medical practice, that is subject to federal taxes.
- NPI – National Provider Identifier
- 10-digit numeric identifier for individual clinicians
- You can also use this number to check your MIPS status at

- Identifies the individual clinician and the entity/group practice through which the clinician bills services to CMS.
End of year MIPS compliance goals:
Minimum reporting options
- Attest for all required Improvement Activities to achieve 15 points
- Small Practices: 1 High-weighted OR 2 Medium-weighted
- Large Practices: 2 High-weighted OR 4 Medium-weighted
- Maximize score for all Promoting Interoperability measures to earn 25 points
- You can see all PI measures on the following graphic:

Report on 6 quality measures that have a benchmark and meet the data completeness criteria to earn a maximum of 30 points..
We hope that this is enough information for you to complete your MIPS submission by March 15th. To see the latest HCIS webinar on submission readiness, you can register and watch on-demand here. You can also submit for MIPS through the HCIS MIPS Submission Portal, and make sure to stay up to date with us for more information about MIPS 2023.