Which Providers Need to Report for MIPS? 

The MIPS Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) exemption that many providers relied on during the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer available. If you’re reporting for the first time—or returning after using the COVID EUC—you might be wondering: Do I need to report? 

Failing to report when required can lead to CMS penalties, making it crucial to understand your obligations. With the March 31st reporting deadline fast approaching, now is the time to take action. 

Who is Required to Report? 

You must participate in MIPS if you meet all three of the following low-volume threshold criteria: 

  • More than 200 Medicare Part B patients 
  • More than $90,000 in Medicare Part B-covered professional services 
  • More than 200 professional services provided to Medicare Part B patients 

Who is Exempt? 

For the 2024 performance year, CMS grants three exceptions from MIPS participation: 

  • New Medicare Part B providers in their first year 
  • Clinicians who bill less than $90,000 in Medicare Part B or see fewer than 200 patients 
  • Clinicians in an Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM), meeting either: 
    • 50% of Medicare Part B payments through an Advanced APM 
    • 35% of Medicare patients through an Advanced APM 

If you don’t meet all three low-volume criteria, you can still voluntarily participate in MIPS to receive performance feedback—without being subject to payment adjustments. 

Still Unsure? Let HCIS Help! 

MIPS reporting involves data collection, performance measure calculations, and submitting through a CMS-certified registry—all of which can feel overwhelming. 

That’s where Healthcare Innovation Solutions (HCIS) comes in. As a trusted, MIPS-certified registry, we make the process seamless and ensure you remain compliant and penalty-free. 

 Read our latest blog: Do I Have to Report MIPS?

Contact HCIS today for expert guidance before the March 31st deadline! Book with a specialist here.